Riverside References
past puppies in their new homes

Hi Rebecca!
I want to update you on Charlie… he has been the best addition to our family! He is such a good puppy…sleeps all night in his kennel – is great with the kids – easy to train – and he is the cutest puppy ever! All our neighbors want one now :).
Maple and Magic’s Cavapoo

I just wanted to update you on our sweet little puppy! We have named him Henry and he is doing just wonderfully with our family. Potty training and crate training has gone great once we got the hang of it and he is just the sweetest, most gentle soul. We just love him so much! We can tell he was loved well before and thought you’d appreciate knowing that he’s continuing to grow and do well. He’s sitting, laying down and coming and will go to his crate on command. His tail still never stops wagging! 😊.
Henry’s Family (Gus and Sage Cavapoo)

Yesterday marked 2 years since Remy joined our family in NY. Remy has become an indispensable and essential part of our family. We can’t remember what life was like before Remy because he’s such an integral part of our lives. He has a big heart and a big personality. He’s smart, loving and puts a huge smile on everyone’s face, especially with his “butt wiggles,” which are his customary greeting (he doesn’t just wag his tail — he wiggles his whole body!). His all-time favorite activity is playing fetch. We wanted to thank you for bringing this little guy into our lives.
Remy’s Family (Gus and Roxy’s Cavapoo

Hi Rebecca,
I just want to tell you what a delight it’s been to welcome Roxie into our family. She is sweet, gentle, loving and you can tell that she came from a home where she was so well cared for. Perhaps most impressive is that Roxie has been sleeping in her crate all night until 630am. She makes outside and hasn’t had a single accident! (Hopefully I won’t jinx myself now that I said that). We couldn’t be happier with our decision and just wanted to say thank you!
Roxie’s Family (Roxy and Coby’s Cavapoo Puppy)

Hi Rebecca – Hope all is well and Happy Holidays!!
Sending a long some pics of Sadie on the boat this summer, on the couch watching TV (yes she watches TV…it’s so funny) and one from her birthday. She is so smart and so good with other dogs in the family. She has learned how to sit, paw, high five, roll over and lay down. She absolutely loves to be outside and go for walks. The one toy she hasn’t ripped apart is her dog Buddy that you sent with her. J J Lover her to pieces. We are so happy with her. Thank you for sharing your puppies!
Sadie’s Family (Riverside Cavapoo)
Hello from Southern California. Today is Louie’s 1st birthday. He has turned out to be the sweetest, happiest dog. He weighs 17lbs, is healthy and loves everyone. I take him almost everywhere and cannot tell you how many times I am stopped wherever we go. When he is at work with me, he is so calm and well behaved; my co-workers call him the teddy bear therapy dog. He is truly wonderful and an absolute love! Thank you for sending me this amazing baby!
Louie’s Family (Sugar Maple’s Cavapoo)

Hi Rebecca! Today is Tuffy’s 1 yr old birthday. He is a healthy happy friendly puppy. He weighs 18 lbs. He looks like he weighs 30 because of his hair. He is the favorite dog in my neighborhood and I can’t tell you how many people have stopped their car to ask what kind of dog he was as well as commenting on how cute he was. He has truly been a blessing. My neighbors love their “Tuffy fix” when we go visit! Just wanted you to know all is well in Texas!
Tuffy’s Family (Roxy and Gus Parents)
I hope all is well. If i’m not mistaken our little girl, Navy, turns 1 tomorrow and I wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU. She’s the best dog, better than anything we could have imagined. She’s loving, caring, energetic, fun, happy and just the cutest thing ever. She loves playing with dogs in our building, her cousin goldendoodle Charlie, going to daycare, running on the beach, her walkers, both of our parents and us! I’ve attached some pictures from the day we picked her up from Burlington airport to our engagement photo shoot a month ago. She might even walk (run) down the aisle in our wedding this May! Thanks again for giving us the best doggy ever! We love her!
Navy’s Family (Velvet and Magic’s Cavavapoo)

It’s been a couple months with Skjei now and I just wanted to reach out and say a huge thank you!! Skjei is such a well-behaved pup. He is perfectly crate and playpen trained and is loved by everyone he meets. He is so good with our neighborhood’s kids who squeal with delight when he comes out for his walks. His disposition is a true testament to your expertise as breeders. Everyone asks me where I got him and I’m always delighted to say Riverside Puppies. Thanks again for bringing this love bug into my life.
Skjei’s Family (Winter and Gus’ Cavapoo)
I just wanted to give you an update on my Brady (Red Velvets pup). He is the sweetest, most lovable dog I could have ever asked for. Brady has been home for 2 months now and is already house trained! I couldn’t believe it! He has a puppy kindergarten trainer and he picks up so quickly on what she teaches him. Any time we go out for a walk with Brady we get stopped and told how cute he is. My entire family loves him and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience for my first puppy. I have sent a few pictures with this email so you could see how much Brady has grown already. I couldn’t pick just one !
Thank you for all that you do,
-Brady’s Happy Mommy (Red Velvet and Magic’s Cavapoo)

We had to send you another picture of this beautiful & sweet girl! She’s been amazing!!! So sweet, soooooo smart & lovable! Will send videos. She’s been crate trained since coming home & has met over 50 people- who all adore her AND just FYI- many have asked for your info; you’re a fantastic breeder and your puppies are worth the wait thanks for raising such a wonderful puppy!
Thanks- Ginger’s Family (Maple and Magic’s Cavapoo)
I can not say enough amazing things about Rebecca and Riverside Puppies!! It is worth EVERY cent to spend a little more on these puppies for their quality breeding, raising/training and care.
We have a golden retriever puppy who is a little over a year right now, and he would wake us up in the middle of the night at least 2-3 times to go potty for a good two months at least. He can not be left in a puppy play or kennel for even a second if he knows we’re home, and is just a very high maintenance puppy in every single way..even including stomach issues. Of course, we love him with every ounce of us!!!
But what a beautiful surprise it was when we got our darling Kismet and she’s sleeping throughout the ENTIRE night on night 1!!! She’s the most loving, low maintenance dog ever… loves to be in her play pin! And I am mainly so ecstatic about how well she warmed up to our boy, Oakley. Most little dogs are so frightened by him since he’s bigger and has so much playful energy. She started using him as her jungle gym in no time and was completely unafraid. Riverside Puppies are socialized so well! My mind is blown at how much of a perfect angel she is. Bell training is going amazing as well. No accidents.
We just couldn’t be any more happy to have this little one. Thank you so much, Rebecca and Riverside!
Kismet’s Family (Roxy’s Cavapoo)

Just wanted to give you an update on Sammy. We are absolutely obsessed! I was so nervous to get another dog. We had an Australian labradoodle a few years ago who was so out of control. Sammy is the exact opposite. Such a sweet, calm, fun, obedient dog. He loves to fetch and ride in the car. He is smothered with loves and kisses from my girls and he gives them right back. He has been such a dream Dog. Truly. Thank you for breeding such an amazing animal- We just love him so much!
Sammy’s Family (Summer’s Cavapoo)
Just wanted to give you an update on Sammy. We are absolutely obsessed! I was so nervous to get another dog. We had an Australian labradoodle a few years ago who was so out of control. Sammy is the exact opposite. Such a sweet, calm, fun, obedient dog. He loves to fetch and ride in the car. He is smothered with loves and kisses from my girls and he gives them right back. He has been such a dream Dog. Truly. Thank you for breeding such an amazing animal- We just love him so much!
Much love, Sammy’s Family (Summer’s Cavapoo)

Hello ! As Oliver turns five tomorrow I again wanted to let you know that having Ollie in our family is enriching and joyful . Each day he brings happiness to people . He is a registered therapy dog and enjoys visiting senior citizens in residential facilities.
Thank you again for sharing him !
Oliver’s Family (Ginger’s Maltipoo)
I wanted to share some super cute photos of Finn at our wedding. He was a perfect pup, walked me down the aisle, stayed by our side during the ceremony, and behaved amazingly for photos! Here’s our favourites!! We might get a 2nd Riverside Maltipoo in the next couple years. We’ll keep you posted!
Finn’s Family (Red’s Maltipoo)

Just wanted to give you an update on Penny. She is absolutely precious, we love her so much and couldn’t be happier. We’re currently enrolled in the second level of puppy training classes and Penny loves to socialize with other people and dogs! She is the sweetest, gentlest, and most energetic little furball. Thank you so much! Attached are some recent pictures of her.
Penny’s Family (JoLee’s Cavapoo)
Just wanted to send you a quick email to say hello. Hudson is so amazing. He’s the happiest, snuggliest most playful pup and we can’t walk a block in the city without being stopped. He loves every dog we pass on the street (and wants every human to pay attention to him). We’re taking him on his first vacation to Florida next week and we can tell he’s going to absolutely love the water. He already jumped into the ocean once in the 50 degree New England weather and it didn’t stop him from trying to go back in the next day. Thank you so much for our perfect little boy. He’s brought us so much joy.
Hudson’s Family (Summer’s Cavapoo)

Hope all is well with you and your family. Finally, sending you a few pictures of the “boys”. Bentley has been such a great addition to our family and he is doing great!! His color is just beautiful, he has the cutest personality and has been so easy to train. He sleeps through the night, rings the bells when he has to go out. Sampson and Bentley are so cute together. Bentley follows Sampson everywhere and Sampson is so patient with him. They are the most adorable, smart, and lovable dogs! Thanks again for another great puppy. All the best!
Bentley (17 weeks) and Sampson’s (6 years) Family
I have been meaning to email you for a long time. I am so thankful to you for giving us our fur baby Jax. He is the joy of our lives! He has brought so much happiness in our lives! My husbands keeps saying he wants another fur baby and it will have to be from you!
Here is a pic of him.
Jax’s Family (Delilah’s Cavapoo)

I keep meaning to email you some pics of Toby! I can’t believe it has been 3 years already. He was a puppy of Marlee and Tink, but definitely takes after his mom with his long legs! He is the best dog, such a little love and cuddler. He loves to play fetch and play with all his dog friends. You have done a fabulous job breeding great maltipoos! He is quite the little celebrity around my neighborhood and is great with all the kids. Below are some of my favorite pics from the last 3 years. As you can see he loves to pose for the camera still. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Toby’s Family (Marlee’s Maltipoo)
It’s been 7 months since we picked up Peanut from the airport. We were so excited to finally add a puppy to our family. Peanut has been the most wonderful dog. We couldn’t have asked for more! He’s a fast learner and loves to give kisses. I’ve attached a few pictures so you can see how he’s grown. The first one is his graduation from puppy kindergarten back in November and the second is a more recent picture of him playing outside. Thank you for breeding such amazing dogs! We feel it is time to get Peanut a little brother, so we would like to put our names back on the waiting list. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Peanut’s Family (Andi’s Cavapoo)

Hope all is well with you and your family and that you had a lovely holiday season! Just wanted to send along some recent pictures of Duke…he’s doing SO great! He is well adjusted, extremely friendly and loving to everyone he meets (people and other doggies!) and has quickly become the center of our universe, we just love him so much. We cannot say enough about how sweet and good-natured Duke is — and we continue to thank our lucky stars everyday that we found and chose you for our breeder! His amazing temperament is quite certainly the result of all you did for him in his first few weeks of life. 🙂
Duke currently enjoys playing fetch, sitting in the sun when the weather isn’t too cold outside, chewing on his bully sticks and toys, and cuddling with us as much as possible! Oh, and he’s completely potty trained as well – he literally made it easy for us!
Duke’s Family (Cavapoo)
Just wanted to wish Finn and his litter mates a very happy 1st birthday. Finn impresses us on a daily basis. We love him so much! Every time we see him, we forget *just* how cute he is.
So many people in our building have asked about Finn and we’ve given out your name a few times. We hope to see more maltipoos around Seattle! Thank you again for raising such amazing puppies.
Finn (maltipoo)

We got Leo from you last December and are so in love with him! Here is a cute picture of him today at work with me. My customers come in and just go nuts over him. I believe I’ve had multiple people contact you about puppies. LOL
One of my customers just came down and got two puppies from you after seeing Leo! He is just amazing! Thank you so much for such an amazing pup. I also sometimes post him on my company Facebook page and he gets more likes than any of my other posts! LOL
Riverside Cavapoo